hi hi !
Call me Churro

i am a Minor™️ i am hispanic uuhhm i uhh uh OH i am a demigirl aroace lesbian possibly neaurodivergent (i’m not googling how to spell that) and i do not know what ™️ meansmy main is @adamesmerliker , i only use that acc to rt, its where most irls can follow (lol). i dont tag anything on that acc, but on this acc, if u follow me back i will read ur carrd and add anything i gotta tag to a list. very sorry if i forget tho!!!ALSO THIS CARRD SUCKS SORRY U GOTTA SCROLL THE WHOLE WAY CUZ NGL IDK HOW TO MAKE . REDIRECTING BUTTONS?? 💀 idk man just scroll 👍

should i put interests here? uh


i dont know how to list my interests but i think i can be general.it wont be unusual for me to start spamming screenshots from whatever bad horror or romance manga i’m reading at the time. not all but a LOT of the manga i read is not very good or has some real weird or gross stuff in it i kinda jus pirate and pretend its not there. i spam that a lot but i try to do it all together as a thread so thats mutable right :3??i also like idol anime and stuff,,? and currently im into vtubers too like nijisanji and other independent vtubers (chibidoki…) i might also post abt genshin and identity V (vee)I ALMOST FORGOT THIS its not very important is it? but i LOOOOOVVV CLOWNZ <3333at the time of updating this, what i said still stands but rn i am mostly into Ensemble Stars!
also i will still rt or post abt them occasionally but i lost a lot of interest in vtubers


i wasnt originally gna make a whole section for the dni but ive got more to say now so im updatin this for that!firstly jus regular dni criteria + nsfw.proshippers please hardblock me if i accidentally follow you. or yk. jus in general.dni if you dont respect it/its pronouns or any neopronounswait i just realized what i wanted to add to this section actually fits more in the byf section. anyway.


like in my last carrd i jus wana mention i am kinda dumb (/lh) i get confuzed and overwhelmed easily and its hard for me to converse in general so im very sorry if i struggle to respond to you! i might take 30 minutes to figure out how to respond to a simple message.. i’d be very happy to talk nonetheless tho!!oh please use tone tags for me tho! you’re not forced to use them on every sentence but also never feel like you’re overusing them when talking to me :3!!I ALMOST FORGOT please tag blood/injuries/cuts! drawn blood or gore is okay! but if irl pls tag it. as well as disturbing imagery. thats pretty vague but idk stuff like analog horror (i think thats what that is) and with that being said pls also tag the walten files :3 even if i talk abt it a lot im trying to avoid it.yk what actually i dont feel like adding what i came here to add anymore. something abt being uncomfortable with hate toward my favs. anyway.ty for reading!